
Back to Your Roots

Even when you’re far away, you belong.

Byroots main objective is to concretize the love of the country and to strengthen the bond a heart can have to its homeland. 

The idea took shape during the confinement imposed by COVID. 

Lebanon’s economy was struggling due to COVID as well as inability to keep up with an ascending fluctuation of the exchange rate. Lebanese products and creativity needed a jolt of positivity but sadly no efforts toward that end were to be found. 

The investment in Byroots in the midst of the darkness and doubts about the country’s future was set to promote and offer root products to the large and engaged Lebanese diasporas.

The main objective being promoting specialty products as well as supporting local artisans and small communities.

We will be shedding light on their hidden gems and drive them to expand and flourish, and bring younger generations to maintain the ties to their roots and minimize expatriation.

Our mission is to provide a micro business platform that promotes the local producer worldwide by bringing the home market to our global customer.

Our vision is to create a better future for home societies, connect diasporas to their roots and preserve the savoir-faire of local traditions through becoming the platform of choice for selling local products globally 

When home is away from home, Byroots brings you closer to where you belong, just one click away.

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

Byroots Team 

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